RMB exchange rate movements and impact on foreign trade-- People's Bank of China
Zhao Qingming: China Construction Bank, Deputy Director of the Office, Senior Economist

Economic status and development trend of cotton textile industry in China
China Cotton Textile Industry Association

Cooperating with Indian spinners to become competitive in the Chinese textiles industry- A win-win partnership
Mr Siddhartha Rajagopal , Texprocil Textiles Export Promotion Council of India, Executive Director
Zhejiang Huarui Information Consulting Co., Ltd.
Conatct: Rachel Chen
Phone: +86-571-83786653
Fax: +86-571-83786600
E-mail: market@ccfgroup.com
Conatct: Rachel Chen
Phone: +86-571-83786653
Fax: +86-571-83786600
E-mail: market@ccfgroup.com