¡¡Imported yarn aggressively flooded into China in 2012, and China totally imported 1.5265 million tons of cotton yarn in 2012, up 69.01% y-o-y. Import volume of Indian and Uzbekistani rose 123.63% and 169.09% y-o-y respectively in 2012. With scant cotton import quota and firm cotton state reserve policy, competitiveness of spinning and weaving corporations in China may wane further in 2013 due to high cotton-usage cost, while demand for imported yarn and fabric may remain hot.
¡¡More focuses are on the hot imported yarn market. In 2012, China government was rumored to restrict yarn import, what is the source? As loose monetary policies keep rolling out, changes on exchange rate are large. How can we seize the trend on exchange rate of RMB? What's the reason for unchanged bargaining ability for China players with diversified participants and if this situation can alter? Problems emerge on sales and weaving process in terms of imported-yarn, which lead to economic losses and declining reputation. How can we avoid such status and how to minimize risks?
¡¡Zhejiang Huarui Information Consulting Co., Ltd. (www.ccfgroup.com) will host 2013 Imported Yarn Forum on Jun 19-21, 2013 in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou. Leaders from the industry, both domestic and foreign experts as well as successful enterprises will have deep-in analysis on current hot spots. We are looking forward to meeting you in Hangzhou!

Zhejiang Huarui Information Consulting Co., Ltd.
Conatct: Rachel Chen
Phone: +86-571-83786653
Fax: +86-571-83786600
E-mail: market@ccfgroup.com
Conatct: Rachel Chen
Phone: +86-571-83786653
Fax: +86-571-83786600
E-mail: market@ccfgroup.com