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Global cotton market analysis -time and trend
!!Zhu Xianhua, Chinatex Corporation,

2018-06-21 15:18:02
Zhu Xianhua, Chinatex Corporation, presented his report of Global cotton market analysis -time and trend  

Mr. Zhu introduced the status quo of global cotton market. Prices for both cotton spot and futures were at very high level. In China, futures/spot prices were around 1,000-1,500yuan/mt. Domestic/imported cotton price spread was wide. ICE and ZCE cotton futures are expected to decrease. 

Then, Mr. Zhu talked about the background of global cotton market, in terms of commodity market, global balance sheet, US cotton sales, impact of weather and net long positions. There are also risks in this market, Mr. Zhu mentioned several points about the market risks. Prices dropped sharply due to the tariffs from US. The rally in USD index and the depreciation of Indian Rupee and Brazilian Real have impact on prices and exports. He also talked about the price comparison between different agricultural products, cotton planting and harvest areas, state cotton reserves, etc. 

In the long term, eyes could also rest on population factors. As for planting area, there's rising room for Brazil. If Indian output increased, cotton prices could be weighed. 
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